Happy New Year

Happy New Year

So I took a week off well rather I was forced to take one. First I was laid off on my temporary job here in the states. This comes after letting go of several other opportunities I could have done remotely. Instead I dedicated a lot of time to a brick & mortar job knowing it would end but not knowing exactly when. So as I grappled with returning to Germany preferably before my wedding anniversary but with professional notice but my employer was secretly planning my timely demise. Well me and twenty one other souls who all wished to give notice before being told the job is complete. Instead we got canned before either and I decided okay time to go home. America loves eating its own and my body loves an abrupt pause. Surely, we all love forgoing responsibilities and obligations; I sure as hell do! However, most people work hard to reward themselves with lavish vacations or early retirement, but my body prefers perfect attendance and to completely shut down during any and all time off. So I was slapped with a nice self diagnosed bout of bronchitis not to be confused with the flu oder Coronavirus. I am on my last pill of Mucinex and my head has decided to excrete ungodly amounts of snot keeping me bedridden. So I had plenty of time to clear my browser a and book a lovely excursion back home fifteen days earlier than planned. While I would like to come home tomorrow so that I can indulge in proper, immediate heath care and know that I am far, far from further contamination ... I have a lot of hoops to jump through as I am finally bringing my dog home to Deutschland. And the US Government has decided she is a piece of meat and she must be graded accordingly to travel. The shit pet owners go through. So albeit a blessing and a curse, I am home for the next six weeks ago to get all that paperwork as well as clean up this blog and die in peace. This has been a voluntary quarantine from life and endless January. Frohes Neu Jahr for that piss of a month did not count. We start over today 02.02.2020 and I will celebrate by getting my shit together. 

