This Week in den U.S.A. (Trying Really Hard Not to Mention 'Rona)

Dapper Day - a day of fun & adventure while wearing vintage clothing and accessories was surely missed as all both Disney theme parks were closed due to...

Like the movie "Speed" a man hijacked a city bus with its driver and a single passenger for a joyride and police chase through multiple cities until cops shot him dead

Oklahoma commemorated the 25th anniversary of the Oklahoma Bombing - the nations worst domestic terror event - all memorial services were virtual due to ...

There is great controversy of the dumping of dairy and destruction of harvested crop by farmers as Americans do not realize this is not a precedent and only heightened because of ...

Community and Urban gardens are fighting state issued guidelines around ... so they can maintain growing and harvesting without interruption 

U.S. crude prices drop due to less drivers on the road because of ... stay at home orders bringing oil prices to negative where drivers may be paid to fuel up 

Texas and Florida began opening up certain areas of public gathering and business after lifting their governor ... guidelines for proper social distancing 

Earth Day comes this Wednesday as everyone is already practicing by not driving, recycling, repurposing and staying at home because of guidelines for ...

America braces for full marijuana as the nation starts this week with Monday's 4/20/2020

Massive outdoor public gatherings masquerading as protests are happening all over the nation as people contest stay at home orders issued by the president and furthermore proving the point as to why we created the ... safety guidelines in the first place

Tornando storms raving the mid central and southeast parts of the nation cause havoc when those issued watches and warnings have no choice but to gather in confined shelters 

Some states are requesting that mask wearing be mandatory when entering public spaces during this unprecedented time
