Happy New Year/Frohes Neues Jahr


Happy New Year/Frohes Neues Jahr

I am coming to you from 2021 from the comforts of my sofa. I am wearing new clothes and drinking from a new glass. I am having real champagne for the first time and apparently, allegedly it is sacrilege to put OJ in it but I did because it is 2pm/14:00 and my fucking morning! Last night was a blast despite feeling like I was living in a fishbowl surrounded by peering lonely silhouettes of a shut-in holiday. Everyone just standing in the windows at midnight. There was one asshat wiggling a flashlight. There was a few people dancing across the street. I was really surprised to see fireworks, or groups on their balconies or actual decent content on German television but alles was festive. The only low point was waking at 5am to watch the ball drop in Times Square and notice that it was all too commercial and dystopian at the same time to enjoy. I didn't even stay tuned for Rockin New Years Eve and I also missed Questlove's Wreka Sto stream. But I slept well, woke to Bitch Mitch's blood money in my American bank account and the popping rather cutting of tags from my cheap Shein New Years outfit. So far this year just feels right. Let us leave Drump, MF Doom's passing and the second strain in 2020.  Positive vibes, wealth residences and best wishes to you and yours from Achso Tochter in 2021! 
