All Is Lost


All Is Lost

Waiting around for the sun and Sommer/Summer to officially began, it is now Herbst/Fall. Unofficially, it has been sunless and cold all fucking season. I am grappling with pulling the Winter gear from under the bed. Last night I really felt like a scully hat and some homeless chic fingerless gloves would be in order. Since Winter is coming this means less daylight (even less than 2021 has ever provided), cool fitness studios all day long and a full outfit is required to walk the dog. I am pissed!  I had this entire hot girl Summer campaign for this blog in the works. I planned to merge my travel blog here as well. We were going to do entirely too much. I already hate it here but this is just devastating to the nth degree. Primark has already put out the puffy coats and I didn't even procure a puffy vest for Germany's shitty balmy weather! Oh well, Sylt is off the table and now it is time to get lined leggings and layering tops. No al fresco meals the moment this building chose to add a balkon four years later. Oh and we are moving soon. We will have a terraasse which will soon be filled with snow. I don't plan on ever having a social calendar or personal identity again when I move so so much for anything. At the end of the day,  people are still wearing white here so all is lost. 
